Ella had her two month check up yesterday. Here is her vital stats for those keeping track at home - She is almost 10 lbs (25% for weight), 22 1/4 inches (75% for height) and her head is in the 25% percentile. As if we didn't know already, our little gal is destined for modeling or some sort of athletics with her skinny and tall bod and pinhead. She did very well getting her shots - better than Mommy did who had to close her eyes through the whole thing.
She is starting to smile alot too - especially during the four am feeding and when she sees her friend the Bug and favorite site, the ceiling fan. Ella has been on many adventures with us - dinner and lunches with friends and even to an Areas 51 baseball game (vegas' minor league team named for a secret test place where aliens landed in the 1950's and with an even scarier mascot that looks like a cross between Jar-Jar binks from Star Wars and a donkey). While Ella used to just sit in her seat and sleep, she now loves to sit on our laps and look at everything. She is turning from a newborn into a little baby girl.
Other than that, all is well. Mommy is back in classes, working and balancing it all with staying home with Ella and Daddy is working hard.
To see more photos of the newest Murdock, click here... http://www.flickr.com/photos/7822160@N02/sets/72157600333334242/
We tried to showcase her personality in this one... check out the smiles!
Ahhhh! Hi cutie Ella! A to-die-for picture. Just too perfect
What a cutie pie... We are so excited to meet her in a few weeks :)
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