Ella has asked that we post a quick shout out to Grandpa Steve and Gamma Sharon who are traveling (without her and her parents, she wanted me to say) in Europe and a welcome back to Grandfran and Pops who just got back from Europe (without her and her parents again) and whom she cannot wait to see! She requests that her grandparents no longer leave her for long periods of time and thinks that she and her parents should accompany them whenever they travel abroad. Hey, I am just the messenger...
We are posting some new photos. We actually captured her "pooping" face. We have a very polite child who informs us of her happenings by her face. While it is not the most attractive face, it serves its purpose. The peeing face is cuter, we'll try to get a photo soon. We also have photos in her ballerina outfit from Aunt Jill (Thank you Aunt Jill for keeping Ella fashionable!). Here's the link... http://www.flickr.com/photos/7822160@N02/sets/72157600422042557/
This week Ella has discovered her new favorite thing... TV! She cannot stop staring at it when it is on. Both Mommy and the ceiling fan are no longer intriguing. She particularly enjoys Dawson's Creek and loved Staying Alive the movie. She kept cooing at John Travolta who maybe was hot in his day but a little cheesy back then. I have deduced that she either likes retro music, is hoping for a polyester bodysuit, or wants to be a dancer. I'll have to look into tot ballet. The issue with the TV is that we had her friend Shira Polikoff over who wanted to hang with her and grab her head and but since One Tree Hill started, she didn't feel the need to entertain. This habit will have to be broken as we need to chose live people over actors and the TV screen (although Dad disagrees and plans on introducing her to his weird non-ficition shows about sea creatures and planets soon).
We also hold conversations together now which constitute her babbling and my babbling back. Often I am left holding the conversations as she gets more interested in smiling at me (see photo above for example) that talking in the middle of our chats. Luckily I have alot to say to her. She did mention the other day that she loves her new shampoo we switched her to (Noodle and Boo) and enjoys smelling so yummy.
That's about it. We have plans this weekend to see some of Ella's little friends and their parents which will make more photo ops. Have a great weekend everyone!